New Construction Course

Unlock the blueprint to your real estate success with our
"Yes to Real Estate: New Construction Course." 
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If you're ready to learn the ends and outs of new construction, this course is your ticket to turning blueprints into reality!

This immersive course is meticulously designed to empower both aspiring developers and seasoned professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of new construction. 

Course Description

Embark on a transformative learning experience with our hands-on New Construction Course, where theory meets practice in the dynamic realm of building and construction. This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the entire construction process, from project inception to completion.

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Comprehensive Project Planning:

The "Yes to Real Estate New Construction" course includes an in-depth project participants through the entire process, planning, and executing a new construction project.

Expert Insights and Case Studies:

Distinguishing itself from generic real estate courses, "Yes to Real Estate New Construction" incorporates real-world expertise and practical insights from industry professionals.

Interactive Design and Simulation Exercises:

Participants have the opportunity to engage in virtual hands-on activities, such as developing construction budgets, and navigating zoning regulations.

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4 Payments of $1250

  • How to Analyze 
  • Framing Stage
  • Where to Develop tools, technology, and surveys
  • Session Outline
  • Access to Full Course



4 Payments of $2,000

  • How to Analyze 
  • Framing Stage
  • Where to Develop tools, technology, and surveys
  • Online Access
  • Bi-Monthly Coaching Calls
  • 4 Months of Coaching Calls

Yes Powered


4 Payments of $5,000

  • How to Analyze 
  • Framing Stage
  • Where to Develop tools, technology, and surveys
  • Online Access
  • Bi-Monthly Coaching Calls
  • 5 Months of Coaching Calls
  • Access to Full Course

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